
Staff are working hard to process collections and materials so they can be made available to the public. Have a question about what we might have? Contact a staff librarian.  

Digital Collections

Digitized Newburyport collections made available through the partnership of the Boston Public Library and Digital Commonwealth.

Finding Aids

Anna Jaques Hospital Collection

Atkinson Papers

Bartlet Mall Fountain Restoration Collection

Benjamin Labaree Papers

Castelhun Family Collection

Charles H. Ireland Papers

City of Newburyport – Municipal Statistics Collection

Daniel H. Knight Jr. Papers

Reverend Earle Thomas McKinney Papers

Federal Street Properties Collection

First Religious Society Newburyport Collection

Friends of the Newburyport Public Library Collection

General Charitable Society of Newburyport Collection

Hicks Family Papers

High Street Redesign Collection

History of Streets Collection

Honorable Mayor Andrew J. Gillis Collection

Inventories of Newbury, Newburyport & West Newbury Households

John White Winder Papers

Josiah Little Collection

Merrimac Writers Group Records

Moses Emery Collection

Newburyport Area Industrial Development Corporation Records

Newburyport Athletic Club Collection

Newburyport Charter Commission Collection

Newburyport Citizens Chapter 91 Committee Collection

Newburyport City Hall Documents Collection

Newburyport Rotary Club Collection

Newburyport Schools Records Collection

Newburyport Tree Committee – Kelleher Collection

Newburyport Trust Funds Collection

Dr. Robert W. Wilkins’ Papers

Route 1 Bypass Collection 

Stickney Family Papers

Webster’s Riverside Dairy Collection

William H. Safford Papers 

Additional Collections

Collections that are ready for viewing, but do not have an accompanying finding aid.

Document Collections

Michael Bulger Plum Island Cottages collection: The Michael Bulger Plum Island Cottages collection consists of handwritten notecards created by the late long-time Plum Island resident and P.I. expert Michael Bulger, who attempted to catalog the different names of cottages located on Plum Island. While some of the cottages still exist, others were lost by various means. Bulger worked with former NPL Archivist Jessica Gill in the mid-2000s to try to document the names before they were lost to history. The names he was able to compile on notecards are circa 1951 in date.

Newburyport Public Library Board of Directors Minutes: The Newburyport Public Library Board of Directors Minutes consists of meeting minutes and agendas for the NPL Board of Directors. These meetings took place once a month and is organized by fiscal year (September-June). This collection will grow and be modified as new minutes are approved by the Board of Directors and added to the collection.

Newburyport Preservation Trust Historic House Plaque Program – House Histories: The Newburyport Historic House Plaque Program collection is a growing collection that contains extensive research on the early ownership of Newburyport houses. These files were written and compiled by professional researchers and architects. The collection is comprised of copies of deeds, tax records, maps, images, chronologies and historical narratives.

Pictorial Collections

Everett “Red” Martin Postcard collection: 9 binders of rare postcards of Newburyport, Plum Island and environs.

Newburyport Photo collection: The Newburyport Photo collection features photos organized by subject or street of Newburyport in the mostly late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Postcard collection: The Postcard Collection features hundreds of postcards depicting scenes and buildings mostly of Newburyport; but Newbury, Plum Island, Amesbury, Salisbury, and southern New Hampshire are also represented.

Stereographs of Newburyport collection: In 2011, Alan Bull, artist, and Rob Napier, ship model builder, teamed up to create contemporary stereographs (or stereo cards) of Newburyport. Stereographs consists of two nearly identical photographs or prints – right eye/left eye views – that produce the illusion of a single three-dimensional image when viewed through a stereoscope.

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