Gifts & Donations

Book donations are accepted twice annually prior to Spring and Fall Friends of the Library book sales. Please check our calendar or call for details.

A donation to the Newburyport Public Library helps support our efforts to meet the informational, educational and recreational needs of the community through open and equal access to cultural, intellectual, recreational, and information resources and programs. Private support allows the Library to achieve what public funding cannot.

Gifts can be made by individuals, corporations, and businesses. Local corporations and businesses have generously supported the Library in a multitude of ways.

Gifts by bequest create a lasting legacy for generations of library users. Over the years, many Library patrons and supporters have remembered the Newburyport Public Library as they prepare or revise their wills. Contact the Head Librarian for more information.

Donations can be made in three ways:

  • To make a general donation to the Friends of the Newburyport Public Library, click here. You can designate your gift to a specific fund or for a chosen purpose if desired. Payment can be made by credit card, Paypal, or a check made out to “Friends of the Newburyport Public Library”.
  • To purchase books via the Friends of the Newburyport Public Library, click here. Gifts can be made in honor of an individual or special occasion, or in memory of a loved one. Gift books have a special book plate which gives the name of the person or occasion being honored. Unless noted otherwise, book plates contain the name of the honoree only. Please note in your bequest if you would also like your name to appear on the book plate as well.
  • Gifts can also be made to the Library’s Special Gifts fund. Checks should be made out to the “Newburyport Public Library”.

For more information regarding donations to the Library, please call 978-465-4428.

However you choose to designate your donation and for whatever amount you give, we appreciate your support.

The Newburyport Public Library elevator is undergoing repairs. Click here for more information.
We appreciate your understanding.
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