Homework / School

Student Assignments and Projects

We encourage students to use the Library for research and homework assignments. Advance notice of specific homework assignments is helpful for library staff.

Please complete the Assignment Notification Form to let us know about upcoming projects.

If many students are researching a single topic, the Library can place materials on temporary reserve so they will be available to all students.

Please let students know if you have contacted the Library and we have placed items on reserve for them to use.

We have a wide range of materials for student use, including books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias and other reference books, and online databases.

Let us know if assignments are limited to certain kinds of materials.

Tours and Visits

How to arrange a visit

The library must consider staffing constraints, available space, and other programs before accommodating class visits. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance. To arrange a visit, contact Allison Privitera, Head of Children’s & Teen Services, at 978-465-4428 at least 48 hours before you hope to visit, even if you are not seeking a tour or other engagement from staff.

Please remind students of the following expectations prior to every visit:

  • Teachers, please check in with library staff upon arrival. We will advise you about where students should leave their personal effects that day so that they don’t create tripping hazards. Students should be mindful at all times that there are patrons in the building trying to work, access materials, and enjoy a pleasant and calm environment.
  • Books in the library are organized in a very specific way. Students should not attempt to reshelve a book if they don’t know exactly where it goes.
  • Students should bring their physical library cards with them to the Library. We have the capability to look up accounts (provided it is the student’s own card and not that of a caregiver), but this can be very time-consuming. The physical card eliminates that issue.

Helpful Resources for Kids

Please remind students to bring their library cards with them whenever they visit the Library.

The Library will be closed Thursday, Nov. 28 through Sunday, Dec. 1 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
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