Come Chat With Us!

The Newburyport Public Library is proud to partner with Newburyport Youth Services to talk about all things parenting!

Join us for two moderated discussions of “Long Days, Short Years: A Cultural History of Modern Parenting,” by Andrew Bomback. We hope to engage in multigenerational discussions about parenting, how it has changed, and what today and tomorrow look like. 

Utilize current literature as a way of exploring parenting ideas and experiences through engaging community conversations! We can learn so much from books, but we learn so much more from each other, and hope this community read will spark some great discussions.

Parents and caregivers will have two opportunities to chat with other members of our community in May. Our first discussion will take place on Monday, May 8th from 6-7:30 PM. The second discussion will take place on Wednesday, May 10th from 6-7:30 PM. Both discussions will take place in our Program Room and no registration will be required.

The Newburyport Public Library elevator is undergoing repairs. Click here for more information.
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