Shelf Help- Book Subscription Service

Shelf Help is a book recommendation service that provides you with three to five book suggestions based on your reading preferences! To register for a book bag, fill out the online form below with your information and reading tastes. The more you tell us, the better our recommendations will be!

By filling out the form you are signing up for the March bag only. You will need to register again for any future bags.

Every bag will include:

  • Three to five book recommendations based on your reading preferences.
  • A custom bookmark.
  • An optional rating form to let us know how we did!

Please allow up to two weeks to process your recommendations.

You will be contacted via email when your recommendations are available to be picked up at the circulation desk. 

If you are new to Shelf Help, please fill out this online form to let us know your reading preferences.

If you are a returning Shelf Help subscriber, please fill out this online form to confirm your preferences.

Terms and Conditions

By signing up for the Shelf Help Subscription Bag, you give the Newburyport Public Library permission to access your library account in order to check out materials. We will not access your account for any other purpose. The Shelf Help Subscription Bag will also keep track of books recommended to you in an effort to avoid duplication. 

Registration begins March 12th and ends March 26th or until we reach capacity.  

The Great Old Book Sale Spring Event is Coming!

Newburyport Public Library
Program Room
94 State Street, Newburyport, MA 01950

Book Sale Donations
* Saturday, March 22, 9:30 am-4:30 pm
* Monday, March 24, 9:30 am-7:30 pm
* Tuesday, March 25, 9:30 am-2:30 pm
All donations must be brought in through the front door.
Hardcover, paperback and audio books only; no other media, textbooks or magazines will be accepted. No donations will be accepted after 2:30 pm Tuesday. Please, 8 box limit.

Friends of the Library Members’ Sale
Wednesday, March 26, 2:00 pm-8:00 pm
FOL Members Only. Membership can be purchased at the library.
Entry numbers are available in the lobby starting at 12:00 pm Wednesday.

General Sale
* Thursday, March 27, 9:30 am-7:30 pm
* Friday, March 28, 9:30 am-4:30 pm
* Saturday, March 29, 9:30 am-2:30 pm

Volunteers are always welcome. A volunteer sign-up book can be found in the library lobby or you can sign up online using Signup Genius HERE.

NEW! Reader’s Roundtable

Join our newly created group for a casual and fun conversation to find your next great read! The library will offer book suggestions and teach you how to use some of our favorite recommendation tools. We would love to hear about your favorite books too! No need to prepare a review in advance of this informal discussion.

We hope to see you there!

No registration required. This is an adult in-person program that will meet Tuesday, February 18 at 5:30 PM.

NEW! Case Closed Book Group

Do you enjoy mystery, thriller and true crime novels? Come join the Case Closed Book Group! 

The first meeting is on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:00 pm via Zoom. 

We read a variety of mystery, thriller and true crime books; fiction and non-fiction! New readers are always welcome. We also do not discourage those who were unable to finish the current title from attending – we welcome you to join the discussion anyways!”

This month’s title is “First Lie Wins” by Ashley Elston


“Evie Porter has everything a nice, Southern girl could want: a perfect, doting boyfriend, a house with a white picket fence and a garden, a fancy group of friends. The only catch: Evie Porter doesn’t exist.

The identity comes first: Evie Porter. Once she’s given a name and location by her mysterious boss Mr. Smith, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it. Then the mark: Ryan Sumner. The last piece of the puzzle is the job. Evie isn’t privy to Mr. Smith’s real identity, but she knows this job will be different. Ryan has gotten under her skin, and she’s starting to envision a different sort of life for herself. But Evie can’t make any mistakes—especially after what happened last time.

Because the one thing she’s worked her entire life to keep clean, the one identity she could always go back to—her real identity—just walked right into this town. Evie Porter must stay one step ahead of her past while making sure there’s still a future in front of her. The stakes couldn’t be higher—but then, Evie has always liked a challenge…”

Registration required. Register HERE

Or copy this link:

Shelf Help- Book Subscription Service

Shelf Help is a book recommendation service that provides you with three to five book suggestions based on your reading preferences! To register for a book bag, fill out the online form below with your information and reading tastes. The more you tell us, the better our recommendations will be!

By filling out the form you are signing up for the January bag only. You will need to register again for any future bags.

Every bag will include:

  • Three to five book recommendations based on your reading preferences.
  • A custom bookmark.
  • An optional rating form to let us know how we did!

Please allow up to two weeks to process your recommendations.

You will be contacted via email when your recommendations are available to be picked up at the circulation desk. 

If you are new to Shelf Help, please fill out this online form to let us know your reading preferences.

If you are a returning Shelf Help subscriber, please fill out this online form to confirm your preferences.

Terms and Conditions

By signing up for the Shelf Help Subscription Bag, you give the Newburyport Public Library permission to access your library account in order to check out materials. We will not access your account for any other purpose. The Shelf Help Subscription Bag will also keep track of books recommended to you in an effort to avoid duplication. 

Registration for the January bag begins January 15th and ends January 29th or until we reach capacity.  

Winter Reading Challenge

To submit your reading progress, click here! 

Come play BINGO with us and track your reading progress for a chance to win a $30 gift card to Illume Books! Use the online form (linked above) to view the BINGO card and submit what you’ve read. Each submission will enter you into the raffle (even if you don’t hit BINGO), but you can only submit one book per category.

You can enter your submissions at any point during the Winter Reading challenge. Three lucky winners will each win a $30 gift certificate to Illume Books and all winners will be drawn after the conclusion of the program. Participants can win only once.

If you have any questions or would like a physical copy of the BINGO card, please speak with a reference librarian on the second floor.

The Winter Reading program runs from January 13th through March 15th. 

NEW! Art Hive

Join the Newburyport Public Library Art Hive! The NPL Art Hive is held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the Program Room.

What is an Art Hive? Art Hives are community art spaces where participants bring in their own arts and crafts projects to meet, exchange ideas, and socialize with fellow artists in an inclusive and respectful environment. They are often held at an art studio, a local venue, or a public library.

All skill levels are welcome. Please bring in your own supplies and projects to work on. The Library will also provide coloring pages, color pencils, and origami. Suggested art hive projects include knitting and crocheting, collaging, small-scale watercolors and/or drawings.

Adults only. See our calendar for dates. Please call 978-465-4428 x2 with any questions. 

Council on Aging Outreach Services Drop-In Hours

Starting on Thursday, September 12 (12:30-1:30 PM), Outreach Specialist from the Council on Aging, Ann Freeman, will be available at the Newburyport Public Library twice a month to Newburyport residents.

Stop by to get connected to services and information, including information on housing, home care, food, transportation, finance, health, and family issues. Residents will be helped on a first-come first-served basis. See Reference staff for directions. Consultations and referrals are confidential and free to all. 

Please see the Events calendar for exact dates or call us at 978-465-4428.

Newburyport Literary Festival

Join the Newburyport Literary Festival as it celebrates its 19th year! Events will be hosted in various locations around Newburyport. To view the schedule of events, please click here.

The Newburyport Public Library will host the following events on Saturday, April 27th:

9:30 AM: Celebrations of the Season: A Conversation with Nina MacLaughlin

Nina MacLaughlin’s Winter Solstice: An Essay “takes your breath away with lyrical leaps across time and space.” MacLaughlin (Wake Siren: Ovid Resung; Hammer Head: The Making of a Carpenter and the companion to Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice) looks at the season through every lens, from hot chocolate to waiting until just the right moment to light a candle so a passing stranger might see it go on. In conversation with Josh Bodwell.

Presenter: Nina MacLaughlin
Moderator: Josh Bodwell

11:00 AM: Colonialism, Racism, and the Cosmos: A Conversation with Novuyo Rosa Tshuma

Novuyo Rosa Tshuma’s award-winning novel Digging Stars blends drama and satire in the story of a young graduate student who is poised to attain her dream of researching the cosmos but is plagued by anxiety attacks she calls “The Terrors” and forced to grapple with questions about the life and death of her late astronomer father. Tshuma will be in conversation with author Yvette Lisa Ndlovu (Drinking from Graveyard Wells).

Presenter: Novuyo Rosa Tshuma
Moderator: Yvette Lisa Ndlovu

1:00 PM: Enlightened Transsexual Comix with Sam Szabo and Nikole Beckwith

In Enlightened Transsexual Comix, artist and Newburyport native Sam Szabo has created a world where a “raw, uncut heroine roams the wasteland in defense of trans rights and trans wrongs.” This subversive collection of work is “a psychedelic stew of social satire and gonzo gender theory.” In conversation with director, screenwriter, and playwright Nikole Beckwith.

Presenter: Sam Szabo
Moderator: Nikole Beckwith

3:00 PM: Perfect Murders and Twisted Trails

Join two contemporary mystery writers at the top of their game as they discuss their newest novels with local crime writer Connie Hambley. In Blood Sisters, Vanessa Lillie introduces us to a Cherokee archeologist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs who is summoned to rural Oklahoma to investigate the disappearance of two women—one of whom is her sister. In The Kind Worth Saving, Peter Swanson brings us a private eye who starts to follow a possibly adulterous husband, but little does he know that the twisted trail will lead back to the woman who hired him. How do the authors’ visions of the perfect murder inform each mystery they write?

Presenters: Vanessa Lillie and Peter Swanson
Moderator: Connie Hambley

To request any titles featured in the Newburyport Literary Festival, please call 978-465-4428.

Círculo de Lectores

¿Le gusta leer libros en español? ¿O quisiera leer más y practicar su español?

¡La biblioteca lo invita a participar en nuestro grupo de lectura para adultos- El Círculo de Lectores! Nuestro grupo lee libros clásicos así también como aquellos recientemente publicados. Platicamos sobre la trama de la historia, los personajes, y su experiencia leyendo el libro. Los libros y platicas son completamente en español.

Discusiones se lleván a cabo en Zoom cada tercer martes del mes a las 3 pm. Visite nuestro calendario de eventos para encontrar nuestras siguientes fechas y libros.Si no puede participar, pero tiene interés en leer libros en español, visite nuestra colección en el segundo piso de la biblioteca. ¡Se agregan nuevos libros mensualmente!

¿Tiene preguntas? Contáctenos enviando un correo electrónico a o llamando a 978-465-4428 x242.

Do you enjoy reading in Spanish?

We invite you to join our growing adult Spanish language book group- El Círculo de Lectores! This is best suited for those who feel comfortable reading and speaking in Spanish. 

Discussions are held virtually every third Tuesday of the month at 3 PM. Future dates and titles can be found in our event calendar.

Not able to participate? Browse our growing Spanish collection in the second floor of the library! New books are added monthly.

Questions? Contact us by email at or by phone at 978-465-4428.

The Newburyport Public Library elevator is undergoing repairs. Click here for more information.
We appreciate your understanding.
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