Home Delivery Services

Home Delivery Services-Newburyport Public Library

Are you unable to come to the library? Let the library come to you! Read below to learn more about the Home Delivery Service program and if you’re eligible. Limited spots available.

Who is eligible to participate in the Home Delivery Service program?

A Newburyport resident requesting the service is required to have a Newburyport library card in good standing and meet one of the following criteria:

  • A disability and/or health issue which prevents an individual from visiting the Library.
  • Mobility issues which prevent an individual from visiting the Library.
  • Temporary physical limitations (or illness) which prevent an individual from visiting the Library for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months.

Home Delivery status may be permanent or temporary, though winter-only delivery is not available.

Limited spots are available for the Home Delivery Service Program. In the case that spots are full, you may request to be added to a waiting list and will be contacted as soon as a spot becomes available.

Who do I contact about the service?

Please contact a Reference Librarian at the second floor Reference Desk by phone 978-465-4428 or email info@newburyportpl.org with any questions about the service, to place holds for delivery, or if you need to cancel the next delivery. Any staff member in the Reference Department can help.

What types of materials can I borrow?

How long can I keep materials I borrow?

How will the Library know what I want?

Who will deliver the library materials?

When can I expect delivery to my home?

Are there any exceptions to the delivery schedule?

May I come into the library if I’m feeling up to it? Or send someone on my behalf?

Ready to get started? A librarian will be in touch with you soon about availability!

Please keep in mind that procedures and policies are subject to change. Patrons who are part of the Home Delivery program will be notified of any changes.

The Newburyport Public Library elevator is undergoing repairs. Click here for more information.
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